
Devin Carroll- Pastor
Pastor Devin has been the pastor since May 26th, 2024. He believes that everyone is loved and valued in the eyes of the Lord which means they are loved and valued at Happy Home. Pastor Devin surrendered to preach the gospel at 16 years old. With God as his guide he leads our church out into the community as we teach and share Gods word with all people. As we stive to be the church that God's love is shinnning bright in.

Stacy Ganus - Church Clerk
Stacy Ganus is very excited to serve as the Clerk for the Happy Home. Since birth, she has attended Happy Home. She became a member and was baptized during a revival when she was 16 in 1993, along with her dad. She feels blessed to be appointed to a position to help her church family grow and spread the word that Jesus Christ is Lord! "Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people." Ephesians 6:7
Renita Whaley - Church Treasure