About Us

What is your statement of faith?
We hold to the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. The text can be found at http://www.sbc.net/bfm2000/bfm2000.asp
How do I become a member?
Becoming a member of Happy Home is a five-step process:
1. Evidence of Regeneration
2. Baptized by Immersion
3. Completed the New Member's Class
4. Subscribed to the Covenant, Constitution, and By-Laws
5. Received by a vote of the church
If you have any questions about or are interested in becoming a member, please talk to Pastor Richard.
Are you affiliated with a denomination?
Yes. We are a Southern Baptist church.
How can I get more involved at Happy Home?
We want to see you stay and connect with us at Happy Home. The best way for this to happen is to become part of a small group. Our opportunities for small groups are:
1. Sunday School - 10:00AM
2. Discipleship Training - 6:00 PM
Other ways for you to get involved are ways in which we go and serve. You can use the gifts that God has given you by singing in the choir or praise team, volunteering to work with out kids or youth ministry, joining in with our Brotherhood and WMU in special mission projects, or fulfilling whatever role God is leading you to fill.
We're just glad you're here and look forward to reaching our community together with you! 
What are Sunday School and Sunday Training?
Sunday School and Sunday Training are opportunities to hear the Bible taught and then discussed on a deeper level within a small group context.
Do you have childcare and classes for my children?
Yes. We have a nursery, classes for children, and classes for teenagers available at every meeting time.
What is your music program like?
Our music program consists of a variety of music. Our congregational singing is mostly traditional. Our choir sings a good mix of traditional and contemporary songs. Our Praise Team sings often and incorporates more modern worship songs. We also have some who provide special music, which includes a wide range of styles. Above all, our music program seeks to bring honor and glory to God and tune our hearts to sing His praise.
What do I have to wear?
Whether you are comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt or a suit and tie, you will fit right in at Happy Home.